Tag Archives: rollercoaster tycoon

More radio shows, an addiction to RollerCoaster Tycoon and Street Fighter playing fish.

Is it even possible for a week to go ridiculously fast but achingly slow? I catch myself checking the Florida countdown on my phone every day, expecting it to be less than a week to go. Today it says fifteen days and I can’t believe it’s come around so quickly! Still, it swiftly dampens my excitement when I realise that this time next month I’ll be back in England in the cold, but at least I’ll be back at university and I’m looking forward to that a whole lot too!

So this week I’ve got my second and third radio broadcasts in the bag!


On Monday I had a three hour long slot, and with it being my first show 100% alone it was immensely nerve racking. Especially considering how daunting the controls are. But it was fun pretending I knew what all the sliders and knobs did, despite the fact I was just winging it and hoping for the best. Here’s a photo of my hand pretending it knows what to do:


I was still profoundly nervous, but I tried my hardest not to vocalise my nerves on air and slowly but surely eased into it and tried to be a bit more natural and even had some one sided conversations about the ‘Ice Bucket Challenge’ and how un-ironic Alanis Morissette’s ‘Ironic’ actually is. And after a while it felt less rehearsed and just like I was going with the flow. I’ll get there eventually!

My show on Tuesday went by too quickly for my liking, it was only an hour slot but I did a bit of promoting for The Sesh at Linnet and Lark and played some up and coming bands so that was something a bit different. At the moment, the radio station is off air due to maintenance works so I didn’t do a show today, but I hope it’s up and running by Monday!

Today was mainly spent watching fish playing Street Fighter. Sounds crazy right? It really is so entertaining and it in no way should be as gripping as it is but most of my day was spent watching this and drinking copious amounts of very strong coffee. If you wish to watch fish playing Street Fighter (I promise you won’t regret it, but I can’t take any responsibility for large amounts of lost time), you can tune in here: http://www.twitch.tv/fishplaystreetfighter. There’s also a Fish play Pokémon Twitch stream, albeit boring compared to Fish play Street Fighter, it’s still good viewing.

I’ve also being spending extensive amounts of time on RollerCoaster Tycoon 4. I’d had it less than 24 hours and already completed most of the campaigns. I then rediscovered sandbox mode, with unlimited money and everything unlocked, just as I was going out. I found myself mentally building theme parks for the rest of the night.

I definitely started taking it way too seriously. Imagining up a theme parks with different themed lands and attractions. I even debated planning it out using pens and paper before building it, but when I caught myself internally drawing up theme park blueprints I knew I’d gone too far and snapped out of it and realised how ridiculous I was being.

RollerCoaster Tycoon is debilitatingly addictive though and I don’t plan on stopping any time soon (possibly after my holiday when I’m suffering from post-Florida blues and anything that reminds me of theme parks or the Sunshine State just makes me sad).

With fifteen days to go, I’ve finally downloaded the Universal Orlando app for my phone so I’m officially on countdown. Fifteen days seems so close, yet so far. This also means I have two weeks to pack everything I’m taking back up to university with me which is a huge chore in itself.

Anyway, it’s time to watch Sharknado 2 now, so I’ll catch you on the flip side. (What do you mean that saying isn’t cool any more?!)