Tag Archives: student

Home / University Room Haul!

I vowed when I made this blog that under NO circumstances I’d do a haul post. But as summer is coming to an end and I’ve been buying things for my room at university I got a little excited and I can’t resist. Plus I haven’t blogged in a while, and since this week has been pretty boring, apart from packing for my holiday (2 SLEEPS!), I’ve done virtually nothing worth writing home about, so I may as well fill in the gap somehow right?!

I’ve been buying things ever since I came back to Hull after my first year ended because I absolutely adore going round shops and picking up cute bits and pieces that I could visualise in my new room. Most of the stuff is from B&M and Home Bargains. I love being thrifty and these are my favourite shops!


So this first lot is all from B&M. I wish I could be bothered to take everything out of packaging for the sake of a better photo, but I just can’t so you’ll have to make do with that!
I started by picking up a new plate set because I chucked my old set away, it was Asda Smart Price and I was a first year, but I think I’ve grown enough to be allowed to have a proper grown up crockery set now! This one was £12.99 I think and it’s SO cute. It’s all edged with flowers and spots and I love it! The plastic cups sort of match and they were 4 for £3.
The bedding is like a patchwork pink/red/turquoise colour and is all flowery. I just love anything floral so that will look super cute. The bedding set was £12.99 for a double. Next to that is the bottom sheet and pillow cases which have brown hearts on, and match the little cushion. The sheet set was £6.99 and the pillow was £2.99. The other brown heart pillow was £3.99 I think.


Next up is my AMAZING new lamp. Any one of my friends will tell you that every time I went in Asda, I yearned for this lamp. But at £25 it was way too expensive for my student budget. Luckily, I have a brilliant Nanna who wanted to treat me before I went back to university, so she bought me it! Originally it came with a plain white lampshade, but I picked this floral one up for £7.99 at TK Maxx, which makes it look even better I think!


I’ve also developed a bit of a thing for glass jars this summer too. These are all from B&M and to be honest, aside from the jar with pens in, I have no idea what I’m going to do with them! But they look nice so who cares?! Pretty sure they were all £1.99 from B&M.



These things were definitely impulse buys! The Kellogg’s bowl was £1 from Discount UK and I fell in love with it as soon as I saw it. I definitely don’t need another cereal bowl so I guess that will just sit in my room doing god knows what until I decide what to do with it.
I also have no idea what I’ll do with the cat tin either. But it’s adorable and only set me back £1.75 from Home Bargains anyway so it’s not that bad. I’ll definitely wish for that £1.75 back a few weeks into term when I’m skint!
I actually do have a purpose for the glass jar with lid! I’m gonna put bobbles in it (probably), failing that I’ll just use it for bits and bobs. It was £1.99 from Home Bargains.



I bought these cute plastic containers from Home Bargains too. They were £1.75 for the four of them, and I don’t know what I’m going to do with these either but I’m sure I’ll find a purpose!


I needed some new photo frames, and these were only £1 each from Poundland. They’re plastic and feel a bit cheap but they look nice and when I get photos in them they’ll look cute on my dresser or shelves!



Lastly is some bunting. I was looking for red bunting for ages before I found this and thought it was all a bit pricey for a bit of material. I saw one in The Range which was £8 for 8 flags! I got this from eBay for around £4 I think. I just tried to log on to link the seller but it won’t let me sign in. But there’s loads of cheap bunting on there anyway!

So that’s it. I’ve got some other stuff such as pot, pans, and utensils but that’s all pretty boring. Hope you’ve enjoyed reading this weeks post and I’ll be back as normal at the weekend because I’ll be in FLORIDA!
