Tag Archives: university blog

A little update

First of all, I apologise profusely to anyone who was even a little bit interested in my holiday blog posts, as they are now, definitely, 100% over.

I got back in reality (AKA the UK) last Sunday, and post-holiday blues are definitely setting in now. I can’t even entertain the thought of posting about the last few days of my holiday in fear of bursting into tears. In fact I was listening to my iPod on shuffle earlier when a Tom Petty song came on. I felt my eyes well up and promptly skipped it (Tom Petty is my family’s ‘Florida’ soundtrack). I don’t think it’s quite sunk in yet that I’m back in the UK and not in Florida, and this thought is well and truly depressing. Even more so, the fact that I have no idea when, or even if, I’ll go back.

Who am I kidding?! Of course I’ll go back, but definitely not in the near future. Although, walking past Thomas Cook earlier, I noticed that flights to Orlando are only £400 at the moment, and caught myself wondering how long it would take me to save up for flights. I could just figure out a plan when I got there. The plan most probably being to find a lovely Floridian man who is willing to marry me in order for me to obtain a green card and stay there happily ever after basking in the sun and working as a wizard at Universal Studios (US Immigrations, if you’re reading this, I am joking by the way. If I am to move to the US, I will do it the proper way, I promise).

Back to reality, of course, means back to university. My lovely mum drove me back up to Sunderland on Monday, both of us suffering immense jet lag. Needless to say, I didn’t expect her to stick around and help me unpack. So after a longer than expected trip to B&M and Tesco, she headed off, leaving me overwhelmed with a pile of unpacking to do.

And after several hours, and a few minutes spent unexpectedly falling asleep on my then unmade bed, I finally had everything unpacked and my room looking lovely and homely.

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The flat is really nice. It feels so homely compared to student halls, and just feels like a proper home! I also missed my flatmates SO much over summer and it is great to be around them again!

University has been going well too. I started shorthand this week and have a sort of “what the hell have I got myself into” outlook on it at the minute. It’s so complicated but I’m sure I’ll get it in no time! Second year is definitely proving to be more difficult than first year already, but I guess that’s the point!

I’m sort of glad I decided to update. Although I hadn’t planned it, I feel like my writing flows better when I’ve had a few vodkas whilst watching Friday night TV!

Until next time…